About AASPO |
The American Association of Small Property Owners
(AASPO) is the only national grassroots organization for the ten
million small owners of residential and commercial investment
properties. AASPO aims to restore common sense and fairness to laws,
regulations, taxes and litigation that are needlessly penalizing small
property owners. AASPO works for the right of small property owners to
prosper freely and fairly, to make possible the American dream of
building wealth through real estate. AASPO is classified by the IRS as
a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.The American Association of Small Property Owners
(AASPO) is the only national grassroots organization for the ten
million small owners of residential and commercial investment
properties. AASPO aims to restore common sense and fairness to laws,
regulations, taxes and litigation that are needlessly penalizing small
property owners. AASPO works for the right of small property owners to
prosper freely and fairly, to make possible the American dream of
building wealth through real estate. AASPO is classified by the IRS as
a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions are tax-deductible. AASPO pursues its mission in many ways, including the representation of small property owners at Congressional hearings, in the U.S. Supreme Court, and in numerous proceedings of regulatory agencies, state legislatures, and state and federal courts. AASPO operates through three project groups: O Litigation O Public Policy Advocacy O Communications Litigation. AASPO has filed briefs in the United States Supreme Court on seven important property rights cases (list enumerated at the end). An amicus brief in support of a petition for certiorari in San Remo Hotel v. San Francisco is being filed momentarily. Two more briefs on cases now before the high court will be prepared and filed if funding permits: an amicus brief on the merits in Kelo v. City of New London, and an amicus brief on the merits in Lingle v. Chevron. In response to the expressed need of grassroots property owners, AASPO has established an innovative national legal institute to provide legal services to private citizens whose rights, assets and property are threatened by the actions of state and local governments. These are cases involving land use and constitutional property rights. AASPO's Litigation Project Group will sue for infractions by state and local governments and finish where the Ombudsman (discussed below under Public Policy Advocacy) leaves off, i.e. preventing recurring abuses by state and local governments. Through aggressive action, AASPO intends to "change the culture by litigation." Our first model will be in the State of Utah where a full litigation operation is being established. Once a track record has been solidified, we will set up chapters in other states. No other public interest law firm handles the full range of legal issues impacting real estate and private property ownership, thus propelling AASPO to fill an important void. Public Policy Advocacy. AASPO engages the public policy advocacy group in projects which encompass all federal Congressional testimony; federal legislation involving property rights, environmental regulation and tax policy; state and local legislation; and, federal or state regulations comments and participation in regulatory proceedings. The project group furthers the belief that "personnel is policy" and works with the Bush Administration and Congress on cabinet and sub-cabinet political appointments to assure that the President's agenda of empowering private property owners is realized. The project group is also working with key congressional allies to identify and direct businss funders and grants so that taxpayer monies will not be spent on those who mission is to undermine our system of government, particularly in the area of environmental litigation and regulation. We are also reviewing current practices that give preferences to environmental groups in the areas of standing to sue and the awarding of legal fees. Since its founding in 1993, AASPO has engineered several impressive wins. Recent victories include defeat of national mandates for smart growth thereby retaining local control over zoning decisions, stopping expanded federal funding for land acquisition, garnering congressional support to limit federal environmental regulation particularly over isolated wetlands, and tax reform that resulted in reducing capital gains taxes, increasing business expensing, and phasing out the death tax. AASPO's first major accomplishment was its role in ending more than 25 years of rent control in Massachusetts through a citizen referendum in 1994. Through vigilance and consultation with grassroots leaders, the victory has been solidified and modifications to rent control schemes in others states have been achieved. At any one time, AASPO will identify two or three major issues to as part of its national advocacy agenda. Foremost at the present time is the promotion of an Ombudsman to resolve land use and environmental disputes involving government entities and private property owners. On the federal level, legislation is being drafted at the request of Sen. Orrin Hatch to create a federal ombudsman. The model is the Utah Private Property Ombudsman, the only office of its kind in the nation where a state official acts to resolve land use disputes involving state and local government agencies. AASPO is gearing up to promote the creation of an Ombudsman's office similar to the Utah model in selected states. Communications. Communications is the cornerstone of our strategy: to get the message out to the media, general public and elected officials, and to motivate grassroots property owners everywhere. Our publications, web site and conferences are designed to provide information and education to property owners and to the general public. We
have a wealth of information and resources on virtually every important
issue that impacts real estate investments, land use and property
rights. Our network of experts and leaders routinely shares information
on a wide-range of issues related to private property rights in the
United States and abroad. AASPO Spells the American Dream. A national organization that provides litigation, advocacy and communications services can restore common sense and fairness to federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Local and state governments do not have to impale landlords and landowners with destructive rent controls, zoning laws, environmental regulations or other policies. Once small property owners unite and become active through the guidance of a national organization, the current landscape can change. With the help of AASPO, the American dream can be within the grasp of far more people than current government policies allow. |
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