Washington Insider - GlobeSt.com
GlobeSt.com is the leading internet publication for commerical real estate. AASPO president, Pat Callahan, writes a regular column in the ViewPoints section where hot topics are discussed from the small property owner's perspective.
This web site has a wealth of news and information. AASPO readers should make GlobeSt.com a regular destination.
Columns published to date are:
Democrats Push Safe Marijuana Merchant Bankcard Laws.
Taking the 'Private' Out of Private Property.
Energy and the Small Property Owner.
Environmental Land Use Issues Impact Small Property Owners.
Bush Tax Cut Will Benefit Small Property Owners.
UpClose Interview - Patricia Callahan of AASPO
The Washington Insider column was inaugurated in May 2001, with an UpClose Interview of Pat Callahan where she outlined the vision of AASPO and how small property owners can gain the upper hand in the current political arena.